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MFS - Socialantropologiska institutionen

The Global Studies Minor is designed to help students understand how such global processes influence their major course of study by providing an international  Students can either elect in the International Studies Major or Minor. Through coursework in history, political science, economics and foreign languages, students  Global Studies Minor. The Global Studies Minor provides students a multi- and interdisciplinary minor that helps them prepare for global-oriented careers in  Requirements for a Major and Minor in Global Studies. Undergraduate Program Curriculum Information. Completing Your Degree. Penquins.

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GBST 103L - Introduction to Global Issues 3 credits; Five qualifying electives chosen from at least three different disciplines (e.g. Business, Foreign Language, Political Science) 15 credits The Global Studies Minor Program provides opportunities for students to study how evolving global connections affect the well-being of people throughout the world. Students in the program develop an understanding and appreciation of how and why interactions across national and ethnic borders are shaped by language, culture, politics, economic development, and conflict. The Global Studies Minor is available to Stanford undergraduates from any major, and is designed to provide students with the opportunity to pursue interdisciplinary study in one of six specializations, including in-depth language study, while integrating this knowledge into a larger vision of global affairs: African Studies European Studies Iranian Studies Islamic Studies 2020-12-02 · The Global Studies Minor (GSM) is an innovative, individualized, and interdisciplinary program which builds a formally recognized intercultural, globally-engaging experience into a student’s degree. Through the GSM, students examine pressing issues confronting today's world and relate it to the full range of their overall studies, personal 2021-03-26 · The interdisciplinary Global Studies minor is designed to help undergraduates develop a broader perspective on the world, to better understand other world cultures, including their history and inter-relations, and to lay the foundation for lifelong learning about global issues. The Global Studies Minor provides an integrated international education experience incorporating Global Studies Courses, study abroad, foreign language, and internationally focused studies.

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It encourages an engagement with “the global” that extends from the local and regional to … Global and Regional Studies; Global Studies Minor; Print Catalogue Options. Send Page to Printer.

Global studies minor

MFS - Socialantropologiska institutionen

Global Studies provides students with the opportunity to study international affairs from a variety of disciplinary perspectives and provides a vehicle or pathway for students to engage in the study of global issues, become global citizens, and further develop their understanding of the global system.

It includes a choice of courses in multiple disciplines that emphasize international and global history, politics, languages and cultures, economics, and environmental issues. Add the Global Studies Minor and learn to effectively communicate across cultures. Required Courses (15 hours) View the Residential Minor Course Requirements for official requirements A minor in Global Studies is designed to engage students in an in-depth examination of major social, political, economic, and cultural trends that shape today's world. The minor in Global Studies allows students to focus part of their studies on phenomena and processes related to globalization. As massive change sweeps the planet, the ability to grasp the issues involved in globalization is central to fully understanding our society.
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Pre-requisites for any course used for the minor will not be counted as part of the program.

You can choose from a wide variety of courses in fields like history,  Global Studies Core: (9 hours, all courses also fulfill areas of the core). INTS 2503 Introduction to Global Requirement for a Minor in Global Studies. (18 Hours). In the global studies minor, you'll get an overview of global studies, with courses in political systems, contemporary global politics, globalization and international   The global studies minor at Saint Mary's focuses on global and cross-cultural issues, trends, and relations by applying the approaches of a variety of academic   The minor in Global and International Studies is a 15-credit hour interdisciplinary concentration housed within the School of Liberal Arts.
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A minimum of six upper-division credit hours must be taken in courses offered by The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Only courses completed with a grade of "C" (2.00 on a scale of 4.00) or better can be used to satisfy minor requirements. Minor in Global Studies. About; Requirements; Students interested in enhancing their degree program with a firm grounding in the understanding of globalization and its impact on national and international security, the globalized economy, and global cultures may opt to declare a minor in Global Studies.