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Växtia » Weigela florida 'Nana Variegata'
The bark of the stalk of the Weigela florida is gray-brown and the branches have a habit of arching towards the ground.. The leaves of this species are simple, opposite, elliptical to obovate (egg-shaped), are green and measure approximately 11 long, being present from spring to autumn or early winter, maintaining their color throughout the growing Prakttry (Weigela) Prakttrysläktet (Weigela) omfattar ca 10 arter, samtliga härstammar från östra Asien. Den första arten beskrevs 1780 av Linnélärjungen Carl Peter Thunberg (1743-1828) som noterade den i Japan under en av sina resor. Han gav den namn efter Christian Ehrenfried von Weigel (1748-1831), som Weigela Care . The weigela part of this plant's botanical name comes from a German scientist named Christian Ehrenfried Weigel. The florida part is not a reference to the state of Florida—rather, it pertains to the large number of flowers that the plant bears (as in the word, "florid," which can mean "flowery" or "showy"). Weigela florida is a native of East Asia that is often grown as an hedging plant.Gardeners are especially fond of the species as it attracts hummingbirds, be Weigela Florida Gold Rush - the yellow-green leaves provide great contrast against the deeper green leaved plants.
1839. 锦带 花 jin dai hua. Calysphyrum floridum Bunge, Enum. Pl. Chin. Bor. 33. 1833 Weigela florida 'Wine & Roses®'. Wine & Roses Weigela.
Prakttry Trädgårdsvä
Rosenprakttry. Artikelnr: 021010 Kategorier: Buskar & Träd, Lövfällande buskar. Produktgrupper Standardgrupp Koristepensaat Kuusamat Weigela florida 'Pink Princess'.
Weigela / Trädgårdsarbete De bästa tipsna för en riktig
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Weigela floribunda. Weigela florida. Weigela fujisanensis. Weigela hortensis.
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Apr 28, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Isye Whiting. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest. Liebliche Weigelie 80-100cm - Weigela florida - Kostenloser Versand ab 29€, Jetzt bei bestellen.
It needs at least half sun and sufficient moisture until established: thereafter it is fairly drought-tolerant. Weigela florida 'Rosea', Weigela 'Rosea' in GardenTags plant encyclopedia available to buy from 2 store(s) in the UK
Sonic Bloom ® Red Weigela florida 'Verweig 6' USPP 25,132, Can 4,716. 4 Reviews. 5.
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Dvärgrosenprakttry 'Minuet' - Roséns Blommor
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