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Det exporterar en funktion foo som öppnar calc.exe . \_\_declspec(dllimport) #endif #pragma comment(linker, "/EXPORT:foo=\_foo@0") extern "C" { BAR\_API -module(client). -export([set/2, printer/0, print_all/0, cancel/1]). -on_load(shell/0).
Captain Hook: Jeanneau 53
-export([start/0]). start() -> X = 40, Y = 50, Result = X + Y, io:fwrite("~w",[Result]).
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Other BEAM runtime languages are also welcome. 얼랭(Erlang, 영어: IPA: [ˈɜrlæŋ])은 범용 병렬 프로그래밍 언어이다. 함수형 언어 가 효율적으로 산업 현장등에서 사용되는 유명한 사례이다. 원래는 에릭슨 (Ericsson)사에서 스위칭 소프트웨어에서 사용하기 위해 개발했지만, 1998년 에 오픈 소스 로 공개되었다. Se hela listan på marketplace.visualstudio.com
The first step in the translation from Erlang source code is to group the characters into logical groups called tokens. This process is called tokenization or scanning, and is done by the erl_scan module.
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Install Erlang as you usually would; rebar3 does not bundle it. People using Windows can get the binaries from erlang.org, and most linux or unix-like distributions can get those from package managers. OSX is fine with Homebrew. People wanting to run multiple versions or a source compilation can us
If you see this error, you can use the --with-ssl flag with a path before installing Erlang.
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DRAKON Editor Web: Pris och betyg 2021 - Capterra Sverige
•. Stödjer dynamisk indexering. Indexera vad som helst och sök i det. Det finns två viktiga egenskaper hos erlang att tänka på när man löser detta problem: Det finns ingen övre gräns module (problem_7). - export ([problem_7/0]).