hej då! - Swedish definition, grammar, pronunciation, synonyms and


As in Swedish it will be. Thanks in Swedish: How to say thanks

Jag har lärt mig svenska sedan jag var 13 år. Då min familj bor där tyckte jag att det skulle  Hello/Hi – Hej; How are you? – Hur mår du? (Remember how to pronounce the letters); I'm fine. You? – Jag mår bra. Du då? Please – Snälla  All vowels can be pronounced short or long which means that Swedish has 17 Jag är ledsen (Yaag air lessen); Farewell: Adjö (A-juuh); Goodbye: Hej då (Hay  automatic telephone exchange); herrå (Abbreviation) contraction of hej då; imorrn (Adverb) Alternative spelling of i morrn, in turn a pronunciation spelling of  How are you?

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If you want to produce more advanced sentences, you have to learn some verbs. Verbs 1(The infinitive  Pronounced Trevalit att traifas. Good morning. God morgon. Her. Henne. Hundarna.

Swedish dictionary with pronunciation. Unusual, beautiful and funny

Hur är det? How are you? Hur har du det?

Hej då pronunciation

member TokyoPANDA - Teach Swedish learn Japanese

Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of 'haj':.

A lot of Swedish words are only fully pronounced when they are being emphasized. Du då? -- Du rå?
Jobb posten

Goodbye = Hej då. (Parting phrases) · Hej då · Good luck! Lycka till! Cheers!

Cheers! Good Health!
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hej in English Swedish-English translation YourDictionary

(Parting phrases) · Hej då · Good luck! Lycka till! Cheers! Good Health! (Toasts used when drinking), Skål! Have a nice day · Ha en trevlig dag!