Literature and interviews on Swedish Journalism Education


Helena Bengtsson @HelenaBengtsson nitter

London: Granada. Gillmor, D. (2006). We the media: Grassroots journalism by the people, for the people. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly. Grey, S. (2006). Ghost plane.

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Six powerful examples of journalism’s importance: Recent civic impacts of the press. Six powerful investigative stories from 2013, finalists for the Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting, that make for a strong reading list for classrooms and those interested in journalism. We’ve just started a new series highlighting some of the best, in-depth investigative journalism that is uncovering real news, revealing wrongdoing and fomenting change. As a compendium, here Back to growing. The second stop is the New England Center for Investigative Reporting (NECIR) based at Boston University. Their mission: “…to ensure the survival of serious, in-depth investigative journalism in New England and to train a new generation of investigative reporters.” One of the latest stories: “Suspended! The Guardian‘s relentless work on this subject is an example of what investigative journalism can achieve without illegal means.

The language of journalism : a multi-genre perspective av

What distinguishes investigative journalism is its intense focus on a single topic, such as political corruption or corporate crime. • Investigative journalism simply does in a more detailed and comprehensive way what all journalism should do, namely act as a watchdog in the public interest. In particular, it must expose abuses of power wherever it finds them – and these days these are to be found as much in the corporate sector as in the state sector.

Investigative journalism examples

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Difficulties Confronting Investigative Journalism. Investigative Journalism thrives with opportunity of the press. In the nations, for example, U.S., U.K., Canada, Scandinavian nations, and Australia, investigative news coverage is more typical and allowed to thrive than in nations with stringent press restriction, in less law based nations, or those with instable administrations including What exactly is investigative journalism?

2016-10-05 · Fink’s writing and reporting is compelling, sympathetic and a true masterpiece.
Studera utomland

Nespresso also named in TV exposé of labour scandal in Guatemala. Published: 2:05 AM. Children as young as eight Three Excellent Examples of Investigative Journalism on Migration Topics By David North on June 2, 2016 These three long, well researched articles dealt with scandals in a huge California visa mill, multiple problems in the EB-5 program, and in the H-2B program for temporary alien non-agricultural workers, perhaps the most ignored of the migration trouble spots. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

API-anrop ano ng ibig sabihin ng investigative sports writing of journalism examples  Academia and Public Debate2016Ingår i: Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies, The microcosm of global investigative journalism: Understanding  Journalism and International Conflicts - Ingen beskrivning. research findings in journalism and practical experience, with examples from crises and conflicts in  My goal is to make an impact on society through journalistic stories that cuts for the Golden Spade, the most prestigious prize in investigative journalism in  The 14 chapters, produced by practising journalists, academics, and activists, cover a range of topics, with examples drawn from the global struggle to produce  The $30 Trillion Heist---Follow The Money!, are break-through documentaries and examples of investigative journalism, at its finest. In them, Mr. Kelly issues a  threads into keen political and historical analysis— investigative journalism at anecdotal examples, and keen social observation, analysis, and commentary. Editor, Data Journalism at SVT. If only I had example to illustrate my point @HelenaBengtsson tomorrow to chew through examples of authorities trying to The Centre for Investigative Journalism‏Verified account @cijournalism 5 Jun  Etikettarkiv: journalism @hannatuulonen, June 3rd 2017: ¡¡ Masters of Investigative Journalism !!
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Helena Bengtsson @HelenaBengtsson nitter

Watergate Scandal Example of Investigative Journalism Investigative journalism received a huge boost by what has come to be known as the Watergate Scandal. This is biggest scandal of the 20 th century. The credit for unearthing this scandal goes to two young investigative reporters of the “ Washington Post”, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward. 2017-10-31 Investigative journalism (2nd ed.). London: Eddy, P. (1976). Destination disaster.