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Af Ventures Investments Limited has 1 shareholder. Free and open company data on Indiana (US) company AF VENTURES, LLC (company number 2006020900382), 2138 N CR 600 E, AVON, IN 46123 Firm Details for AF VENTURES, Location: Connecticut, AUM = None, Last Form ADV Filed : 31-March-2021, Officers: GASPAR, JORDAN, MICHELLE, JUPITER, LAUREN, ALEXANDER NY ANG intel officer describes AF Ventures experience. By Airman 1st Class Michael Janker, 107th Attack Wing / Published January 25, 2021. PHOTO DETAILS / DOWNLOAD HI-RES 1 of 1. First Lt. Ryan Scadlock, an intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance officer assigned to the 274th Air Support Operations Squadron, 107th Attack Wing, New York Free and open company data on Virginia (US) company AF Ventures LLC (company number S8341812), 910 M Street NW 704, Washington, District Of Columbia, 20001-0000 AF Ventures's main competitors include NMG Benefits, Garanti Yatırım, Altruist Financial Group and Slate.

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