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February 2021. Select an individual calendar: Henry County Public Schools Henry County High School Henry County Middle School Campbellsburg Elementary Eastern Elementary New Castle Elementary Early Childhood. Select Multiple Calendars. Select year: 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023. Select month: School Holidays Starts Finishes; First Day of School: 10 Aug 2020 (Mon) Thanksgiving Break: 23 Nov 2020 (Mon) 27 Nov 2020 (Fri) Christmas Break: 21 Dec 2020 (Mon) 5 Jan 2021 (Tue) Spring Break: 15 Mar 2021 (Mon) 22 Mar 2021 (Mon) Easter Break: 2 Apr 2021 (Fri) 5 Apr 2021 (Mon) Last Day of School: 26 May 2021 (Wed) Henry County Schools has released the proposed Calendar for the academic year 2021-2022, you can download a school calendar from here in a pdf format.

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JANUARY 2021 FEBRUARY 2021 MARCH 2021 LEGEND: 1st Day of School Students Students Out 2020 -21 Student Calendar AUGUST Henry County Public Schools; Overview; 2020-2021 School Year Calendar. 2021-2022 School Year Calendar . PO Box 8958, 3300 Kings Mountain Road, Collinsville, Calendar Title Select an individual calendar: Henry County Public Schools Henry County High School Henry County Middle School Campbellsburg Elementary Eastern Elementary New Castle Elementary Early Childhood December 23, 2020 - January 1, 2021 December Break (schools closed). January 1, 2021 New Year's Day Holiday.

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2020-12-14 Here you can download Henry County School Calendar 2021-2022 in a pdf format. Having a school calendar is beneficial as you will be able to plan, manage, and track your school-related work activities in … Henry County School System 2020-2021 Narrative Calendar (Revised) July 22 Administrative Day August 19 Administrative Day—District Kick Off August 20 Required Inservice Day—School Institute August 21 Administrative Day *August 24 *August 25 *August 26 August 28 August 31 September 7 Staggered Start Day Group 1 Staggered Start Day Group 2 Henry County Schools Calendar for 2021-2022 academic session including scheduled holiday dates and timetable.
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