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How to use parti in a sentence. What parti means in Telugu , parti meaning in Telugu, parti definition, examples and pronunciation of parti in Telugu language. English-Telugu.Net | English to  Many translated example sentences containing "parti pris" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. So the basic meaning is here we go, here they go - why not let's get cracking if it's about beginning a job? Nov 21, 2012 The Oxford English Dictionary defines “parti pris” as meaning 'a preconceived view; a bias or prejudice'.

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Many translated example sentences containing "parti" – English-Swedish dictionary and search engine for English translations. I parti - English translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, antonyms, examples. Swedish - English Translator. Translation and Meaning of parti in Almaany English-Swedish Dictionary. nonparty.

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Parti meaning in english

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partie, part, rôle, participation, région. went away adjective. English; parti: match - to merry part, section, match - to merry, faction, game parti, sektion: section particip: participle partiell: partial partiell, partisk: partial partigrupp: faction partihandel: wholesale, wholesale trade wholesale trade partisk: warped, partial partisk, vind, skev: warped partiskhet: bias partiskhet, påverka: bias Translations in context of "parti" in French-English from Reverso Context: parti réformiste, tirer parti, parti libéral, parti conservateur, parti politique C'est parti is pronounced say par tee. Literally, it means "it left," though a better English translation is "here we go" or "here goes." It can also be used to mean "we're off." The phrase falls into the informal (familier) register, meaning it's something you would say to family or friends.

How to use parti pris in a sentence. Define parti. parti synonyms, parti pronunciation, parti translation, English dictionary definition of parti.
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Above get definition and English meaning of Parti. What is पार्टी meaning in English ? (English matlab - arth kya hai  dict.cc English-French Dictionary: Translation for C'est bien parti. Parti no (Turkish to English translation).

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wholesale verb  English — EnglishEdit. Partiers at a children's birthday party. part meaning in English » DictZone Swedish-English dictionary. part. part, suitor ▽. part, part i mål, friare.