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Ansluta Pokémon Gå med Låt oss gå! kan vara smärta

Go to iOS Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services -> Pokémon GO -> and turn Location Permissions to “Always”. In Pokémon GO, go to Settings and enable Adventure Sync. iOS may also send additional prompts even after selecting “Change to Always Allow” to remind users that the Pokémon GO is accessing your location. Adventure Sync is an opt-in situation, so you’ll need to do that if you want to use the feature. But, according to Niantic, the feature is live now, so if you’re an active Pokémon GO player and want some help hatching eggs and collecting Candy, Adventure Sync looks like a nice way to do that.

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The fitness app will sync at irregular time intervals when your phone is in Power Saver mode. So, you should only use the Adventure sync feature when “Power Saver mode” is turned off. Finally, Adventure Sync will only record distance when Pokémon Go is completely closed. 2019-06-01 So, follow the below steps to make sure that Adventure Sync has all the permissions required: 1. On your iPhone, open Apple Health and in Sources and validate that Adventure Sync is allowed. Also, in “Settings”>” 2. On Android devices, install the Google Fit app and provide it Storage and Tap the Poké Ball at the bottom center of the screen to open the Main Menu.

Hur Pokemon Go: s nya Adventure Sync-funktion - Pocket-lint

Be aware of the sync delays. Often, syncing takes some hours to work.

Pokemon go adventure sync iphone

Pokémon Go kommer äntligen att få en stegräknare i

Pokémon GO: Troubleshooting Adventure Sync. Adventure Sync is a feature that allows Pokémon Go to link to either the Google Fit or Apple Health apps on your Android or iPhone/iPad devices. It helps to  Nov 1, 2018 How to activate Adventure Sync You'll then need to tap the main menu option on Pokemon Go and open up the settings menu. You can then tap  Fitness tracking background this is a really exciting part of adventure sync! Passengers can now allow Pokémon GO to access fitness data from healthKit iOS and  Nov 2, 2018 iOS players. Open the Health app; Tap “Sources”; Tap “Pokémon GO”; Tap “Turn All Categories on”.

In Pokémon GO, go to Settings and enable Adventure Sync. iOS may also send additional prompts even after selecting “Change to Always Allow” to remind users that the Pokémon GO is accessing your location.
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Tap the Settings button. Tap on Adventure Sync. You’ll also be prompted to grant permissions for Pokémon GO to access your Apple Health or Google Fit data.

OBS - Dessa spel måste ha "adventure sync"  Home / Teknologi / Pokemon GO räknar dina steg i offline-läge I synnerhet registrerar Adventure Sync ditt köravstånd även i bakgrunden när kommer att integreras med Apple Health (på iOS) och Google Fit (på Android). Vill ha Pokemon go fusk och hack för att nivåera sig snabbare i spelet, dvs med Adventure Sync som tillåter inmatning av steg istället för strikt  Det här är NMEA 2000; Pokémon GO slutar erbjuda support för Apple Watch till användarna lade den i november förra gången till Adventure Sync-funktionen,  Opera Mini för iOS-enheter innehåller flera datasparande komponenter som påskyndar sidbelastningen och minskar Vad är Pokemon Go Adventure Sync.
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If you use manual Timezone on your smartphone and travel to different time zones, then it could cause the Adventure Go sync issue. So, it is best to change the date and time settings to ‘Automatic’ for resolving the problem.