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Be among the first people to tour the 11 stunning new designer-decorated model homes … Back on the 16th of June 2020, there was a Sporadic-E opening on 144 MHz over eastern Europe with stations in the south of Russia working into Poland and the Czech Republic. What was really unusual was that it coincided with another opening further west from the UK & … 2021-04-05 BL / GL / LGTB (2021) Series announced and / or confirmed in 2020 that will be issued in 2021 plus those that have been confirmed / announced and / or speculated that they will be issued this year. Sources: #MyDramalist, #Twitter, #Instagran, #Facebook. Monday, January 4, 2021 Be among the first to tour the 12 incredible new models at the grand opening this Saturday, January 9 at Valencia Trails !