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IBM skapade en COBOL-kompilator för Linux baserat på x86

IBM i (the i standing for integrated) is an operating system developed by IBM for IBM Power Systems. It was originally released in 1988 as OS/400 , alongside the IBM AS/400 line of systems. It was renamed to i5/OS in 2004, before being renamed a second time to IBM i in 2008. On June 21, 1988, IBM introduced its new minicomputer and enterprise server platform AS/400 (later renamed to iSeries, System i and Power Systems), bundled with the operating system OS/400 (later renamed to i5/OS and IBM i). IBM’s Steve Will talks AS/400, POWER9, IBM i 7.4, cognitive systems, and everything in between.

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z/OS is a 64-bit operating system for IBM mainframes, introduced by IBM in October 2000. It derives from and is the successor to OS/390, which in turn followed a string of MVS versions. IBM System i är de av IBM:s minidatormodeller som tidigare var kända som System/36, System/38, AS/400 och iSeries. IBM System i är avsedd för små och mellanstora företag, 5 000–100 000 användare. AS/400 är byggd med gamla IBM System/36 och System/38 som bas. Det unika med systemet är egentligen operativsystemet, OS The last version of OS/2 released by IBM is " IBM OS/2 Warp 4.52 " released on 2001-12-17. IBM i är ett i raden av namn på IBMs minidatoroperativsystem som tidigare var känt som OS/400 och i5/OS.

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Eskilstuna-Kuriren levererar lokal journalistik, granskningar, sport och kultur - nära dig - dygnet runt, året om. IBM® z/OS® delivers security, agile development and high utilization. It maintains application compatibility and runs Linux® on IBM Z® containers on-premises and in hybrid clouds. Together with IBM z15™, z/OS gives you more performance, data privacy and cyber resiliency.

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IBM DB2 Cloning Tool for z/OS dokumentation

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced system programmer, the ABCs collection provides the information that you need to start your research into z/OS and related subjects. 2019-11-14 · PKWARE provides a complete set of interoperable data management and compression applications for all major enterprise platforms.

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This line was designed to take IBM’s PC series to new heights with new standards, like VGA, the PS/2 mouse and keyboard interface, and the Micro Channel architecture (MCA) bus. It made sense to have a new operating system, as well, and OS/2 fit the bill. of the design of OS/400 from the start. This may be its greatest advantage, from a design point of view—IBM included these features as intrinsic parts of the operating system from the beginning instead of patching them in over time. From a user's perspective—or even a system administrator's—the biggest advantage of OS/400 is its ease of use.

Operating systems by IBM. Supercomputer.
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