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All parking options in CPH. P11 ×. From 1100 DKK /week. Standard P11. 5-10 min. walk to the terminals.

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(+ 500). Lime. Wind. TIER. Copenhagen. 1,700. (+ 1,700).

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Outdoor parking. From 1100 DKK /week. Book now. P12 ×.

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Nyhavn is minutes away.

It is always possible to park in Copenhagen Airport. We offer several parking areas, that suits your needs. If you are picking up or dropping off passengers, or if you are going on vacation yourself, we have a parking space that is right for you – even if you do not have a reservation. This is where you apply for parking permits to Copenhagen. As per 31 May 2016, all parking permits and term permits are digitalised. Only parking fobs are physical products.
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2 hours of free parking in metropoli- tan districts on weekdays 08.00-19.00 hours. 2-hour zone in outer met- ropolitan districts closed. The City of Copenhagen takes over private common roads in inner metropolitan districts, allowing pay park- ing to be introduced here as well. Kort over betalingszoner og parkeringszoner i København.

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