He married Anna Jensen Hundevad 10 Sep 1637 . Anna Jensen Hundevad was born at of Kolding, Vejle, Denmark 15 Feb 1620 daughter of Jens Sorensen Hundevad and Catherine Hansen . Detaljeret information om Anna-Grethe: Telefonnummer, adresse, bopæl og interessante ting i nærområdet. Se tilhørsforholdet til virksomheder, matrikelstørrelse og … View the profiles of people named Morgan Lauritzen.

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Show more reactions. Share. Anna Heinz, profile picture  Laurs, Lauritz och Lars . Jersin i Ribe på Jylland under 1620-talet starkt betonade det danska Nielß J Vijgens Peder Hal/Vorsen Eide Erick Lauritzen. Konkurrensen mellan Lauritz o.

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1586 fick behalla sin Da de tre forovarna Christiern Lauritsen, Lauritz. Simonsen och  Brödernas fader har förnamnet Lars eller Laurits (Lauritz, Laurids…….).

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Denne side viser Lauritz Lauritzen samt alle andre personer i samme husstand som skrevet i folketællingen 1787 for Ribe, Ribe, Vester Vedsted Lauritz Julius Ibsen Ribe was born on month day 1906, to Hans Ibsen Ribe and Agnes Marie Mathilde Julie Ribe. Lauritz lived on month day 1930, at address . Find family history information in a … Buy and sell new, used and antique items at Lauritz.com, Northern Europe’s largest online auction and bid 24 hours a day on all auctions