A Worthy Reception? Ambivalences in Social Work With
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Some of its greatest successes have been in the area of improving the health and welfare of the world’s population. In the 1990s, despite severe strains on the resources of UN The Nordic countries are sharing quite similar general welfare schemes and other cultural and historical roots, but at the same time displaying different integration policies; thus, being an interesting and inspiring setting for cross-country comparisons to disentangle some of the complex processes forming the health and welfare trajectories of young refugees. Researching the welfare and integration experiences of refugees in Wales 12-06-2020 Learners at the USW-led English-language lessons, held in partnership with Welsh Refugee Council. Se hela listan på cis.org 2015-10-01 · Cuban immigrants are cashing in on U.S. welfare and returning to the island, making a mockery of the decades-old premise that they are refugees fleeing persecution at home.
Will Kymlicka, researcher in political philosophy, has thought av AG Fernandes · 2013 · Citerat av 8 — Changing Social Risks and Social Policy Responses in the Nordic Welfare have experienced an accelerating influx of immigrants and refugees during the four Download Citation | Welfare Across Borders: A Social Work Process with Adult Asylum Seekers Social work with refugee and displaced populations in Europe: Refugee Reception or Welfare State Sustainability, or Both? How Government Spending on the Refugee Crisis in Sweden. Provides a Recipe Subjects: JEWISH refugees; PUBLIC welfare; HOLOCAUST (1939-1945)SWEDEN. Source: Nordisk Judaistik; 2020, Vol. 31 Issue 2, p60-84, 25p. Record details.
The Church of Sweden and the quest to bounce back better
Study Paper no. 15, Rockwool Foundation Research Unit.
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The Swedish wartime refugee policy has been characterized as restrictive. Keywords immigration, policy making, refugees, Sweden, welfare state. Refugees and the violence of welfare bureaucracies in Northern Europe. red. / Dalia Abdelhady; Nina Gren; Martin Joormann. 1. uppl.
state. and. the. refugees. As welfare reforms were implemented in Sweden by the end of the 1940s, foreign citizens were by and large included in the
av CA Larsen · 2011 · Citerat av 99 — Historically the race issue has blocked a number of American welfare schemes; across the United States ethnically heterogeneous states have
Disabled Refugees Welcome (DRW) drivs av Independent Living Institute (ILI) och är ett projekt för migranter med normbrytande funktionalitet och syftar till att
Employment effects of reducing welfare to refugees.
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The analysis takes advantage of newly collected survey data from three refugee camps and their surrounding areas to compare individuals and households within communities at various distances from, and therefore exposure to, the refugee population.
Abstract. Immediately after the Second World War
av L Mårtensson — refugees may be at risk of having limited health literacy, meaning that they will have problems in achieving, National Board of Health and Welfare. SOSFS
av Ł Górniok · 2016 · Citerat av 2 — Sweden, Czechoslovak refugees, Polish-Jewish refugees, Cold War, 1968-1972, active foreign policy Refugees, Immigrants and the Swedish Welfare State,.
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Local Media Representations of Refugee Integration Work in
Mikael Bystro¨m. Uppsala University, Sweden. Abstract.