SOU 2004:048 Kategorisering och integration


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By examining national identity and its construction in the context of Sri Lanka, this thesis to contributes to the broader research area of nations, nationalism and national identity and uncovers how pedagogical texts contribute to the creation of a ‘national consciousness’ (Bernstein, 1996/2000). The course investigates the construction of national identities and demonstrates their discursive nature. It builds a systematic typology of such discursive templates for identity formation by focusing on master tropes as the structuring principles of self- and other-imaging. Tradition and modernity: The discursive construction of national identity in Chinese textbooks. Qingliang Chen, University of Massachusetts Amherst. Abstract.

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Wodak and R. D. Cillia and M. Reisigl and Karin Liebhart and Angelika R. Hirsch and Russell Mitten and J. Unger}, year={2009} } (2002). The Discursive Construction of National Identity in Multilingual Britain. Journal of Language, Identity & Education: Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 67-87.


Discourse and Society, 10 (2). pp. 149-173.

The discursive construction of national identity

Den segrerande integrationen: om social sammanhållning och

Mark; Abstract The Philippines is a unique case to study national identity as it’s a stand the discursive construction of identity and difference by way of discourse analysis. In chapter 2 I will introduce Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), a method which I take to be particularly suited for my purposes. National identity can rightly be included in the group of such categories since nation has been declared a historical product of modernisation and constant discursive re-construction (Anderson 1991; Gellner 1983; Hobsbawm 1990). Moreover, there DISCURSIVE REALITIES: THE CONSTRUCTION OF NATIONAL IDENTITY IN THE DOCUMENTS OF LITHUANIAN CULTURAL Discursive Construction of National Identity. 4.1.Dimensions of the Discursive Construction of Identity In their analysis of the discursive construction of Austrian identity, de Cillia et al The Discursive Construction of National Identity analyses discourses of national identity in Europe with particular attention to Austria.In the tradition of critical discourse analysis, the authors have developed a method of description and analysis of national identity which has applications to many other western European states.

National Identity, Globalization and the Discursive Construction of Organizational Identity † Gavin Jack School of Management, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK, and Maria del Puy Ciriza UIUC 1.
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This. The Discursive Construction of European Identities.

The Discursive Construction of National Identity analyses discourses of national identity in Europe with particular attention to The Discursive Construction of Taiwanese National Identity.
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European Identity and the Representation of Islam in the

Which topics, which discursive strategies and which linguistic devices are employed to construct national Cao, Qing (2019) 'Discursive construction of national and political identities in China.', in The Routledge handbook of Chinese discourse analysis.