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Other formats. Book · Talking book - CD · DAISY. El reino de los hombres sin amor. By: Mateo-Sagasta, Alfonso.

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2020-11-11 DAISY stands for Digital Accessible Information System. It is a digital talking book format that offers many advantages over traditional audio books. A DAISY book may contain both sound and text. DAISY books can be read on a portable digital playback device, a regular mp3 player or on a computer equipped with playback software.

DAISY Digital Talking Book på svenska - Engelska - Svenska

Digital accessible information system (DAISY) is a technical standard for digital audiobooks, periodicals, and computerized text.DAISY is designed to be a complete audio substitute for print material and is specifically designed for use by people with "print disabilities", including blindness, impaired vision, and dyslexia. A DAISY digital talking book player of audio and text/audio DAISY digital talking books.

Daisy digital talking book

Dolphin Publisher • ICAP AB

2020-11-11 DAISY stands for Digital Accessible Information System. It is a digital talking book format that offers many advantages over traditional audio books. A DAISY book may contain both sound and text. DAISY books can be read on a portable digital playback device, a regular mp3 player or on a computer equipped with playback software. daisy-player(1): Daisy-player reads a Daisy-CD and plays the audio-files. DAISY versions 2.02 and 3 are currently supported, as well as volumes with multiple books.

Historia och bakgrund; Flera formater; Inbyggd navigering; Åtkomst till DAISY-böcker; Spela DAISY Talking Books. The current version of the specification DAISY 3 is also a NISO Standard for digital talking books (DTB) which offers the print-disabled user a significantly  Köp böckerna billigare!
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For more than a decade, print impaired readers worldwide have been reading millions of digital talking books in circulation, each created with Publisher. DAISY standards for Digital Accessible Information System.

The players have rechargeable batteries and offer readers high-quality sound, advanced navigation, and  Offer your audio books online thanks to your app created by Sensotec. Online reading is the next revolution for digital talking books.
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Resource room Karolinska Institutet Universitetsbiblioteket

Using DAISY, a talking book format is presented with enabled navigation within a sequential and DAISY stands for Digital Accessible Information SYstem and refers to a way to create works called DTBs or Digital Talking Books.