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This rule is provided in the password policy. By default, the rule is disabled. The following points describe the limitations, scenarios, and configuration information about the minimum password age rule. Minimum Password age is not configured to 2 days; Description "Minimum password age:" Minimum number of days a password should be used without changing it.

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(see screen shot) Assign Password Never Expires. Instead of using Group Policy to assign zero to the maximum password age, you can configure accounts for "Password never expires". You do this on the "Account" tab of user properties in ADUC. You can select all of the user objects you want and configure them in bulk, leaving other accounts alone. max_password_age. This built-in function ensures that the maximum password age (e.g., the time when users are forced to change their passwords) is in the defined range. Having a maximum password age prevents users from keeping the same password for multiple years.

putty inloggningsproblem. - Linux och övriga operativsystem

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Min password age

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User-added image  Configure a minimum password length. · Enforce password history policy with at least 10 previous passwords remembered. · Set a minimum password age of 3  26 Mar 2021 Basic Password Policy Settings on Windows · Enforce Password History: 24 · Maximum password age: not set · Minimum password age: not set  28 Sep 2019 Minimum password age. This setting determines how long a password must be used before it can be changed.

The -max argument to the passwd command sets an age limit for the current password. In other words, it specifies the number of days that a password remains valid. After that number of days, a new password must be chosen by the user.
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If Maximum password age is between 1 and 999 days, the minimum password age must be less than the maximum password age. If Maximum password age is set to 0, Minimum password age can be any value between 0 and 998 days. Note: Setting Maximum password age to -1 is equivalent to 0, which means it never expires.
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If Maximum password age is set to 0, Minimum password age can be any value between 0 and 998 days.